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NAMA Talk –  Waqf for NGO Sustainability

There is an opinion among Western scholars that the institution of waqf could no longer perform its economic role in the present times. Instead of being a vital institution as it truly played in the pre-modern era, waqf nowadays seems to be an impediment to the development in Muslim countries. However, there are proven cases of very successful waqf financing, both in the non-profit and commercial sectors.
Basic tenet is a lasting gift for the benefit of the public. Waqf is one of Islamic economic instruments to promote the distribution of public wealth. This perpetual voluntary charity concept is that the underlying asset should remain and the people can benefit from the asset perpetually. It promises a continuous reward in eternal life for as long as the underlying asset endures to be useful.
Non-profit or non governmental organizations, commonly depend on donations, and contributions and solely fund the funders to maintain their activities, which sometimes derail their vision and mission, and become donor-driven. Is waqf or its blended financing suitable for NGOs? Is there any law or regulation to be aware of before embarking on waqf financing for your organization? Is there any successful Waqf model in Malaysia and the world?

Join us in this There is an opinion among Western scholars that the institution of waqf can no longer perform its economic role in the present times. Instead of being a vital institution as it genuinely played in the pre-modern era, waqf nowadays seems to be an impediment to the development in Muslim countries. However, there are proven cases of very successful waqf financing, both in the non-profit and commercial sectors.

Speaker 1
Prof Emeritus Berjoyai Bardai
Professor, Graduate School of Business
Speaker 2
Abdu Mohsein Bin Mohd Shariff
Executive Director,
Awqaf Holding Berhad