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Financial Sustainability

Toward World-class Accountability



Financial Management (Fin-MANAGE) is an organizational capacity building project developed to help NAMA selected CSOs in managing their financial according to standard best practices. The approach for Fin-MANAGE will be to develop volunteers from NAMA partners/NICE who comes from financial background to become experts in CSO financial management through financial management capacity building. This capacity building will be developed and executed by qualified and experience service provider. Once the volunteers have completed their financial management capacity building journey, they will be associates to NICE. NICE will assign them tasks to consult and coordinate the financial management best practices in NAMA’s selected CSOs as part of having a good financial system/standard in place in these CSOs.

ACT’s four main units



This unit helps the participants answer the question: who am I? In this unit, the participants will become aware of their identity, strengths and capabilities in a more in-depth session.


Social awareness

This unit helps the participants answer the question: who are others? In this unit, the participants will become aware of their society and its attributes and limitations. They will also understand the impact of being part and parcel of a collective society.


Awareness of social issues

This unit helps the participants answer the question: what do others suffer from? In this unit, the participants will become aware of the social issues existing in their society, how dire these issues are and how to contribute to solving them. The participants will also nurture a sense of social justice and will be able to choose the social issue they would like to work on.


Social initiatives

This unit helps the participants answer the question: what can I offer to help others with their suffering? In this unit, the participants will learn the fundamentals of project planning and management. Participants will also get to choose their own projects and share their achievements with their peers.
