Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.
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Nurturing Generations of Holistic Excellence
What is BRIGHT?
For children growing up with the stress of poverty, the cognitive, social and emotional barriers to learning are enormous, but they also are predictable and recurring. They form a pattern of unreadiness for students that is precisely what makes it possible to design an intervention to address them. To reach the new standards, much less the full potential of each student, schools can no longer ignore these barriers and challenges to teaching and learning.
This is a development program targeted for school students. This program aims to develop four aspects of excellence within a student which is;
Excellence in Academic
Excellence in Leadership
Excellence in Volunteerism
Excellence in Ethics
Bright Program will focus on developing master trainers. These cohort of master trainers will go through a one-year development program consisting of face-to-face training, online learning, assignments and practical at selected local schools. Upon completion of this program, these master trainers will be attached for one-year with NAMA Foundation and empowered to localize this initiative coordinated by our local partners.
Upon completing the program participants will
Become the Certified BRIGHT Master Trainer for your home country
Understand the value, role and contribution of consultancy to strengthen and improve the student’s development in your home country.
Understand the consultant soft skills in facilitation, gamification, coaching & mentoring and how to implement the skills within the student’s development programs.
Understand the core processes of student’s development consultancy, best practice and qualities of an outstanding student’s development consultant.