Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.
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What is Academia Program?
Quality has emerged as one of the most common topics of debate and focus in virtually all higher education circles in the twenty-first century. Quality control, quality assurance and governance are commonplace terms at the forefront of higher education strategic planning and change initiatives.
Higher education change is driven by constant improvement, technology changes, measurement and evidence-based results—all areas that require either an overt or covert emphasis on quality improvement. However, despite all these advancement, the approach in teaching remains traditional.
Most of the class time is spent with the professor lecturing and the students watching and listening. The students work individually on assignments, and cooperation is discouraged. With this problem in mind, NAMA Foundation has developed Academia program with the aim to not only develop the soft skills and professional skills capacity building of the lecturers but also enhancing teaching effectiveness through learner-centered teaching methods.
Academia program will focus on developing master trainers among university lecturers. These cohort of master trainers will go through a one-year development program consisting of face-to-face training, online learning, assignments and practical at selected local universities. Upon completion of this program, these master trainers will be attached for one-year with NAMA Foundation and empowered to localize this initiative coordinated by our local partners.
What will the program covers?
Upon completing the program participants will:
Become the Certified Academia Master Trainer for your home country.
Strengthen the capacity of university faculty in teaching and research through learner-centric teaching method.
Introduce the more important changes that research shows will shape the university in the next five to ten years.
Energize faculty to take a leadership position in promoting changes that will see the university play a more direct role in the societies in which they are established.