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Here is the most exciting happening that many young artists looking for, it is NAMA ART COMPETITION 2021, an open competition which is being held in conjunction with the Nama International Conference and Exhibition 2021 (NICX2021). It is a unique opportunity for young artists from different countries and as well a platform to showcase their diverse artworks to an international audience, at the same time to create interest in young people in fine art.

1. The competition is being held online via the Facebook platform.
2. The evaluation of the artworks will be based on 70% by professional judges and another 30% from the number of ‘likes’ the artwork gained on Nama foundation Facebook page which every artwork will be posted there.

The artwork submitted to our competitions will be judged based on the following elements of artistic expression:
1. Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer.
2. Creativity and originality of the depicted theme.
3. Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.
4. Overall impression of the art. What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole? Overall, does the artwork stand on its own as a complete and outstanding work of art?

The following are the rules for entering NAMA ART COMPETITION 2021:
1. Entries must follow the competition theme “Importance of Education in Society Life”.
2. Competition is open to amateur and professional artists.
3. Competition is international.
4. Artists 18 years old and older may apply.
5. Submissions are only accepted via a competition google form.
6. The artist should mention his/ her website or social media art platform also a short artwork description in the submission form.
7. Digital image file must meet the following specifications:
a) JPG only.
b) Largest width dimension is 25 cm (10 inches) and the height should be at the appropriate rate.
c) High-Resolution image.
d) The artwork shall not be framed or contain a watermark.
8. File may not exceed 1MB.
9. All medium art techniques are welcome.
10. The artwork submitted will become the property of the Nama Foundation with credit to the artist.
11. Nama Foundation and its agents/partners may use the artwork and artist personal information for promotional and publicity activities digital.
12. Final decision announced by Nama Art Competition 2021 secretariat will be final and no appeal will be entertained.


Every artist whose artwork is selected to participate in NAMA ART COMPETITION 2021 will receive an email
Closing date: 20th  Nov 2021
Judging date: 30th  Nov 2021
Announcement of Winners: 6 December
Should you need further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Shaima (secretariatconference@namafoundation.org) or Mr. Syahir (partnership1@namafoundation.org.my).